I've had such great couples to work with this wedding season and even several groups, and in this one instance the two of them came together without any of the parties realizing we were all connected! It was a really fun, magical coincidence to discover.
Kim and Scott contacted me first asking if I could choreograph a First Dance for them to Van Morrison's "Crazy Love". They were excited about keeping it a surprise thinking many of their guests would not suspect these two as the dancing type. A few weeks after I started working with them I receive a request from Marcie who had a very good friend getting married. She wanted me to choreograph a flashmob-esque dance for her and her friends and their husbands to surprise the bride with. I thought, what sweet friends they are to learn an entire dance for the bride to be! I taught them their dance and they were on their way, promising they would all practice together, and from the looks of the video, they did. So, everyone knows their dances, weddings happen, dances are danced, I'm liking my job. A month later I get an email from the bride:
"What a huge surprise when my friends started circling us. Their dance truly was THE HIGHLIGHT of the night. I can't begin to tell you how much that meant to us and how fun it was. I couldn't take it all in that night but I've watched the video over and over and feel so loved every time I do. Thank you! Thank you! You did have a great group to work with."
OMG, how cool is that! I had no idea I was creating a dance for people to surprise people I was making a dance for! So many dance surprises! Kim and Scott surprised their friends, their friends surprsied Kim and Scott, and I was surprised by all the surprises surprising me and coming together in such a synchronistic way, and somehow I find the ability to like my job even more! And we even have the video to prove that the dancing everybody was talking about actually happened! Good times.
Coming soon: Blogging about another First Dance and flashmob I did for a good friend's wedding, 90's, EZ Rock and Rob Base style!